Podcast: ACPHS' New Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019 -- In our latest podcast produced for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences’ Office of Institutional Advancement and Center for Student Success, Dr. Patrick Yang, former executive vice president of Genentech, Roche and Juno and current chairman of AbGenomics and Acepodia, joins ACPHS President Dr. Greg Dewey to talk about the current recruitment needs of the biopharmaceutical industry and the College’s new Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), a $37.3 million advanced technology facility that will train pharmacy students and mid-career professionals for jobs making biopharmaceutical drugs.
Slated to open in January 2020, CBET will be the first of its kind in New York state and will set ACPHS apart from other pharmacy schools. By offering practical experience that will be immediately translatable to the needs of employers, CBET will educate the next generation of life science professionals in biotechnology and biomanufacturing to meet expanding workforce needs.
Dr. Yang, who serves as an adviser to program development, discusses five distinct ways CBET will partner with biopharmaceuticals. Dewey talks about how CBET will stay nimble, while training students for a rapidly changing field.
Learn more at https://www.acphs.edu/CBET