Freihofer's Run for Women Slates 40th Anniversary Past Champions' Panel on 5/31

Tuesday, May 8, 2018 — On Saturday, June 2, 2018, the Freihofer's Run for Women, one of the nation's most prestigious all-women road races, will celebrate its 40th anniversary.


To commemorate this special milestone, event organizers will host a free panel discussion Thurs-day, May 31 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. featuring past event champions in the Renaissance Room in The Armory at Sage College, 130 New Scotland Ave, Albany. Parking is free.

"Our 40th anniversary presents a wonderful opportunity to welcome back so many of our former champions to share their stories, experiences and thoughts on the role that the Freihofer's Run for Women has played in the evolution of women's distance running in America," said Patrick Lynskey, co-director, Freihofer's Run for Women. "This panel discussion will be a great opportuni-ty for runners of all ages and abilities to learn more about the history of this event and the remarka-ble women who have won our prestigious title and their collective impact on the sport of distance running."

Slated to attend the session are Jacqueline Gareau of Canada, the first non-US competitor to win the Freihofer's Run for Women 10K in 1982. Regina Joyce of Ireland, the event's 1983 champion. Elva Dryer (1997 winner and 2004 runner up), Carmen Troncoso (multiple masters race winner, top 10 finisher and age group winner), and Joan Benoit Samuelson (1984 Olympic Marathon gold medalist and FRW masters race winner). Longtime race announcer Dave Oja will moderate the discussion.


"We encourage the Capital Region's running community, especially local teams and coaches, to come to the session to meet and learn from these American distance running legends," Lynskey added.

Seating is limited. To register for the event, please click here.

For more information about the 40th annual Freihofer's® Run for Women, 31st annual Kids' Run and 8th annual Freihofer's® Junior 3K Run, visit From the home page, you can also link to the event's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube pages.

Sponsors include the Charles Freihofer Baking Company, Price Chopper Supermarkets and The City of Albany and 99.5 The River, Audi Albany, and Mack Equipment.